How do I forward e-mail sent to my NU e-mail account?

If you wish to automatically redirect all e-mail sent to your account to another address (eg., you may create a rule within the Outlook Web App.

Please Note
The Information Technology Office cannot guarantee e-mail delivery outside of the Northwest University e-mail system.

Take the following steps to set up e-mail forwarding:

  1. Log into your e-mail account using the NU Outlook Web App.
  2. Click the gear icon in the top-right, and then select the Options item.
  3. Students: Navigate to MAIL > Automatic processing > Inbox rules in the left menu.
    Employees: Click the organize email option in the left menu.
  4. Click the + icon to create a new inbox rule.
  5. Select [Apply to all messages] from the When the message arrives, and: drop-down menu.
  6. Select Forward, redirect, or send > Redirect the message to... from the Do the following: drop-down menu.
  7. Type your external e-mail address to the right of the To: label, and then click the OK button.
  8. Click the OK button, and then you're finished.