Renaming Team Channels and SharePoint Folders

When a channel is created in a Team, a folder is automatically created in the corresponding SharePoint site. Content saved to the folder will be available in the channel, content uploaded or created in the channel will be available in the corresponding folder in SharePoint.

Currently, if you rename a channel in a Team the folder in the corresponding SharePoint site is not renamed, which can be confusing.

A fix for this is on the Microsoft Roadmap, but until the issue is resolved we recommend that you follow these steps to ensure that the names of the channels match the name of the folders:

  • In the Team: Create a new channel with a similar name (it cannot be the same name). 
  • In SharePoint: Move the files from the original folder to the new folder. 
  • In the Team: Confirm that the files are available in the new channel. 
  • In the Team: Delete the original channel. 
  • In SharePoint: Delete the original folder.

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