Zoom Shared Accounts
If you use Zoom Accounts…
General Information
- On July 15, 2022, all free zoom accounts have a 40-minute meeting limit, regardless of how many people are on the call.
- All Zoom accounts now require two-factor authentication.
- If you get Zoom emails with authentication codes or password reset instructions, please ignore them if they are not for you.
You must be in the zoom account email group to get the login auth code
- Your College or department Zoom admin will know how to add you to the email group. Please contact them for assistance.
- You will receive all emails when anyone in that group creates or starts a Zoom meeting.
- Again: please ignore the emails if they are not for you or if they have a password change link.
NU Shared Accounts
- These are available to everyone at NU. However, if you want to use one, please contact your Zoom admin or IT so you can be added to the email group.
- The passwords for all of them are Eagle1zoom.
- The login credentials are:
Zoom Admins
You’ll have two responsibilities:
- Maintain and reset Login Passwords
- Maintain (add and delete) the members of your Zoom account.
Please watch the (less than 4 minute) tutorial.
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